The Unforeseen Challenge

Critical Thinking & The Human Mind

Michael Ken
4 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by bert sz on Unsplash

Critical Project

Imagine you and a team of your best workers have been assigned to complete an important project that is crucial to your company’s survival. This project will require your team to quickly compute large spreadsheets, write lengthy documents, edit videos, and research and review copious amounts of data. And with COVID-19, your team will have to work remotely, communicating and collaborating via the internet. The task is highly complex and it will be difficult to complete the project before the impending deadline. Still, the project is so critical that failure is not an option.

The day before the project kicks off, your team receives a shipment of equipment that must be used to complete the project. You open the box, full of excitement, your mind racing with thoughts about how you will set up your workspace. As you start pulling out the equipment, however, you notice something very peculiar. The computer equipment is twenty-five years old, with bulky, monochrome monitors and a black and white dot matrix printer. There are Windows 95 floppy disks and other outdated programs full of glitches. You find out your internet will be provided through a dial-up service using a Netscape browser.

Now, you have two difficult problems to solve, the



Michael Ken

My journal about life in the woods. Visit to see my complete journal, photographs, and articles.